The Voxel Agents
Based in Victoria, Australia
Founding date:
Press / Business contact:
Train Conductor World
Train Conductor
Puzzle Retreat
The Gardens Between
Train Conductor 2 USA
See appropriate email addresses below
The Voxel Agents create delightful games that unravel in surprising ways. Headquartered in Melbourne, the studio was founded in 2009 by Simon Joslin, Matthew Clark and Tom Killen to create games that kindle curiosity with a passion for highly focused gameplay. The studio and its games have been awarded many prestigious design, art and audio awards, including the coveted "Apple Design Award", and "Game of the Year". The Voxel Agents first established their success with the release of Train Conductor and followed with Train Conductor 2 USA, Train Conductor World and Puzzle Retreat, with over 17 million global players enjoying Voxel Agent games. The team released the highly anticipated title The Gardens Between across all console, desktop platforms in 2018, and iOS in 2019.
Early historyThe Voxel Agents began in early 2009 when three friends Simon Joslin, Matthew Clark and Tom Killen joined forces to exercise their passion for highly polished and focused gameplay. The three founders had studied together at Queensland University of Technology and won consecutively the 2007 and 2008 “48 Hour Game Making Challenge” before knowing they were onto something. In their first year, they released the runaway hit game Train Conductor. Their second year continued the success when they picked up five awards: "Best Mobile Game" at the Independent Games Festival in China, "Best Game Audio" at Freeplay Festival, “Best New Business 2010” in the National NEIS Business Awards, “Startup / Rookie of the Year” at the MoMoMelbourne business awards night, and the “Tim Richards Award of 2010″ from Film Victoria. 2013 saw the continuation of their success with the release of their sophomore title Puzzle Retreat. It immediately gathered 1.2 Million downloads in its first month, with players scoring it above 4.5 stars on both the App Store and Google Play.
2018 - The Voxel Agents react to their IGF nomination 2018 YouTube
2014 - 14 Hour Game Making Session - beginnings of the Time Project YouTube
2012 - Story of The Voxel Agents YouTube
There are far more images available for The Voxel Agents, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Apple Design Award - The Gardens Between" - Winner - Apple at WWDC 2019
- "Game of the Year - The Gardens Between" - Winner - Australian Game Developer Awards 2018
- "Mac Game of the Year - The Gardens Between" - Winner - Apple App Store 2018
- "Tech Award - The Gardens Between" - Winner - Sense of Wonder Night Tokyo 2018
- "Most Innovative Title at Gamescom - The Gardens Between" - Winner - GameTwo, RocketBeans 2018
- "Excellence in Game Design - The Gardens Between" - Winner - Busan Indie Connect (BICFest) 2017
- "Accessibility Award- Puzzle Retreat" - Winner - Australian Game Developer Awards, 2013
- "Indie Prize Top 10 Award- Puzzle Retreat" - Winner - Casual Connect Singapore, 2013
- "Best Mobile Game - Train Conductor 2: USA" - Winner - Independent Games Festival China, 2010
- "Best Developer (the 'Tim Richards' Award)" - Winner - Film Victoria, 2010
- "Best Game Audio - Train Conductor" - Winner - Freeplay Festival, 2010
- "Rookie of the Year" - Winner - MoMo Melbourne, 2010
- "Best New Business" - Winner - National NEIS Awards, 2010
Selected Articles
- "Almost ten years later the studio is one of Australia’s most successful indie developers thanks to its mobile game successes."
- Zach Jackson, Well-Played.com.au - "The Voxel Agents have been creating expressive puzzle titles that are designed to create heartfelt moments that leave a lasting impression."
- Matthew Forde, PocketGamer.biz - "Gamasutra spoke with The Voxel Agents to learn about the inspiration behind its time flow puzzles, how they designed its environments to tell stories and provide mental challenges at the same time."
- Joel Couture, Gamasutra.com - "Simon and Henrik talk about the importance of being humble and having the humility to listen to people and understand where a game doesn’t work so that you can make it the best it can be. We found a great story about trusting and listening to your game-playing audience. Small indie developers (and all of us) could learn a lot from their commitment and ongoing reflection and learning about the way people play games. They are a great team."
- Daniel Donahoo, Wired.com - GeekDad - "The story of a studio that went from making a game no one bought to being one of Australia's indie successes. Its developers make it look easy, but it wasn't easy. Like Puzzle Retreat, the studio we see today is the result of years of sweaty and cash-strapped effort."
- Tracey Lien, Polygon - "The Voxel Agents have been working in the mobile space for longer than most, with a number of very successful titles under its belt."
- Cam Shea, IGN
Additional Links
The Voxel Agents website
An index of things Voxel http:.
The Gardens Between on Tumblr
A writer joins a game development team and this is what happens! http:.
Journalist Inquiries
Customer Support
Business Development, Job Applications
Twitter (The Voxel Agents)
Facebook (The Voxel Agents)
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks